Hello World!

The website is finally up and here is my first post!

I’ve been meaning to create a work site for awhile now and I’ve finally taken up the challenge after attending GA’s Intro to Coding: HTML & CSS Workshop. It was a short webinar that covered the fundamentals, which taught me enough to take the plunge.

So here it is!

I initially considered Wordpress for its wide usage but ultimately chose a static site generator like Jekyll for its quick deployment and little complexity. Static sites can be hosted directly on GitHub through GitHub pages. That means no hosting fees (!!!) and easy management of edits, thanks to versioning (which I’m still discovering).

Things I’ve learned and done so far

  • How to purchase a domain (namecheap) and point it to the host (GitHub)
  • Discovered GitHub Desktop
  • Better understand GitHub as a platform and its functions
  • Set-up and create a simple Jekyll site and host it on GitHub
  • How to host the site locally for testing
  • How to maintain the entire project on Atom

There were some issues along the way, so I wouldn’t say it was an easy ride. Fortunately, nothing is too difficult for Google & Stack Overflow. I’ve learned plenty so far but there is still much to do and learn. I’ll update this page as I go along.


Command to run Jekyll site locally

bundle exec jekyll serve

Passing the –livereload option to serve will automatically refresh the page with each change to the source file.

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload